Garrison's Maps

A sampling of the stuff I work on for University Graphics / Creative Concepts, in Hoover, Alabama ... and anybody else that wants me to draw a map for them.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monteagle Sketch

I'm working on my first original map. It includes Monteagle, Sewanee, and Tracy City, Tennessee. Here's a close-up from the rough sketch:

Favorite Artists

Look at this beautiful work by some of my favorite artists employed by University Graphics / Creative Concepts.

Here are some close-ups from a map of Greenville, Mississippi, by Tammy and Romona Matthews. Their shapes are so pleasant, their colors so mild, and the whole world just feels rich. It makes you want to go there:

They do the best mountains receding into the horizon. All the signs, instead of being garish, are just nice. Like the perfectly simple banner on this airplane:

Another great artist -- Frank Cummings.
Here's a close-up from his map of Monroe County, Tennessee. Cummings' inking is impeccable. He populates his world with these little people, so you can just pour over the map forever. I love the hillbilly in the lower right:

Now I've got to try and keep up with them all.